Hemorrhage Control Products Prevent Serious Injury and Death
Hemorrhaging (haemorrhaging) or excessive bleeding is when dangerous amounts of blood escape the circulatory system. Hemorrhaging can occur internally or externally. Internal hemorrhaging happens when blood leaks from blood vessels to other parts inside the body. External hemorrhaging is when blood escapes the body either through a natural opening (mouth, nose ear etc.) or through a break in the skin. Hemorrhaging can be quite dangerous because excessive bleeding happens fast and is difficult to stop depending on the cause.
Hemostasis Products Depending on the Kinds of Accidents that May Take Place
The discipline of stopping or controlling excessive bleeding is called Hemostasis and is a vital part of any first aid kit. Accidents happen and it’s important to have the right products on hand in case of an emergency. As mentioned, it’s quite difficult to stop excessive bleeding when you don’t have the right products close by and if left untreated excessive bleeding can cause death. Pickering Safety offers several different types of hemorrhage control products including tourniquets, gauze, chest seals and bandages.