Protect your Face and Airways with Safety Masks
Safety masks are about protecting your face and airways from contaminants and abrasive substances. Depending on the kinds of activities you’re partaking in there are safety masks that offer varying degrees of protection. In medical environments medical mask options include surgical masks, and technol fluid shield masks. Construction workers will benefit from N95 Masks or perhaps a simple Dust Mask will do the job. For more severe work environments we also offer respirators and oxygen masks.
Don’t Think Twice – Invest in Small and Affordable Safety Masks
Although these are small safety products they make a world of difference when breathing and exposing your face to different work environments. Pickering Safety offers a wide variety of masks at affordable prices which makes it easy to invest in your safety. If you need a safety mask, come into Pickering Safety. Vancouver’s best supplier of masks, comprehensive safety supplies and equipment. Scroll through the masks below for available products. If you have any questions, feel free to call us directly at 604-298-6465.